Increasing the capabilities of remote surveillance in scientific trials
Dematec expanded the capability of iMapPESTS, a research and development program specialising in surveillance of airborne pests and diseases impacting the agriculture industry.
The program’s aim is to provide better data to primary producers for better decisions about pest management.
Our team was excited to take on the task of improving the remote management of the sentinel units used to collect this important data.
Each of the self-contained, high-tech mobile surveillance units consisted of specialised air sampling equipment and automation technology.
Deployed in regional and remote areas, they needed to be sturdy to survive weeks in the field and capable of securely collating, storing and transmitting data—saving time, increasing productivity, and mitigating the risks of having staff continually travelling to distant sites.

We designed and constructed sentinel units that met these strict requirements.
It began with reviewing the scientific instruments and external data integrations needed. This allowed us to identify, develop and implement the most fit-for-purpose solution.
Ultimately, the units featured a cloud-enabled control system designed by us to manage the intelligent sampling equipment according to pre-set operational and environmental parameters, while solar panels with battery storage coupled with a backup generator enabled autonomous operation.
Using our D-TEKT™ IIOT platform, we provided an innovative interface that allowed for unmatched real-time management and remote control of each unit—and we also delivered a comprehensive training service to system users, with long-term support from our passionate, friendly team.